Monday, November 16, 2015

[Aneinu] Updates & Please Daven for Litman Family

Rabbi Leff is back and home. Since his release, it was reported that he served as a Sondek at a bris and was in schul this past Shabbos. He has a long recovery/rehabilitation period ahead of him, please continue to daven for: ZEV YAAKOV MOSHE BEN CHAYA Tahel bat Sigal, 3-yr-old, who was injured by a firebomb near Beit El three weeks ago, was released Sunday from Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem. Message re: Litman family for you to include all their family members in your prayers and tehillim for refuah; say the kapital which is included (121) as well lilui nishmat Rabbi Litman HY"D and Netanel Litman: לרפואת: * נעה בת מרים * דביר בן נעה * מוריה בת נעה * תהילה בת נעה * אביה בת נעה לעילוי נשמת: * נתנאל בן יעקב הי"ד * יעקב בן מנדל הי"ד

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