Monday, December 21, 2015

[Aneinu] Name Added - Ruchama Tova bas Esther Bil'ha

Tova bas Esther Bil'ha's name has been changed to Ruchama Tova bas Esther Bil'ha. Please help complete Sefer Tehillim as a zchus for her refuah shlema. Unfortunately, I have more difficult news to share. Rebbetzin Fuerst's young great-niece, Tova bas Esther Bil'ha, has had a relapse of her cancer. She has an infection in her lungs and she is on a respirator. The situation is very serious. Reb. Fuerst is asking that Aneinu say Sefer Tehillim for her refuah shlema. I have prepared a spreadsheet for people to sign up to say one or more kappitlach of Tehillim on a daily basis. May Tova bas Esther Bil'ha have a refuah shlema bsoch sha'ar cholei Yisroel.

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