Saturday, December 12, 2015

Aneinu Please Daven Terror Victims

Last Wednesday night, the fourth candle of Hanukah, Shaul Nir and his wife Rachel were returning home after visiting grandchildren and great-grandchildren at their daughter Livnat's home when their vehicle came under a hail of forty bullets from Arab terrorists. The long road to the yishuv had recently been re-opened to Arabs by the IDF. Unfortunately, the experience was not new to Livnat whose former husband Netanel Ozer, Hy"d was murdered in front of his family after answering a knock at the door as they sat down for Shabbat dinner one Friday night in Kiryat Arba a few years ago. Her mother Rachel will survive, but her father Shaul is "in a bad way". He is known by those who know him well as a "Tzadik" and "a modern-day Maccabee". This is a special request for heart-felt prayers especially on behalf of Shaul Chai ben Aviva whose life is still in danger and also for his wife Rachel bat Sarah who is recovering in hospital. Please remember them along with all the recovering victims of terrorist atrocities and may we all merit to see the complete and utter downfall of the wicked speedily in our days! Please also add Genadi Chaim ben Raayah-Rachel, who was stabbed multiple times in the chest outside the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hevron and is still in life-threatening danger.

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