Monday, December 7, 2015

Aneinu Please Sing Acheinu For Refuah Shelama

Dear Alumni and Friends,   If you are going to be at a Chanuka mesiba this evening, or even if you are going to be together with your family, please sing with them 'acheinu kol beis yisrael'.  We just did it together at three different Neveh Chanuka mesibas and for a very special reason.  It's the only way we have now to pray for a fellow Jew, Gandi Chaim Noteh ben Raye Rochel, who is in severely critical condition and fighting for his life.  He went today to daven at  Ma'aras Hamachpela and afterward outside was stabbed by an Arab terrorist.  The knife injured his heart and lungs and even after an operation he is still in critical condition fighting for his life.  We hope that the tefillos of boys who yesterday gave out chocolate and presents cheering hospitalized children will make a difference.  We hope that the  tefillos of other boys who today finished learning Masechtas Tamid (it maybe a small Masechta, but the fellows learned it at least four times because they reviewed everything they learned everyday at least three times) will also make a difference.  But I'm sure that if all Neveh alumni will also daven by singing 'acheinu' that it could make a difference.  May we be worthy of a nes Chanukah and may his life be spared.  May we all come together to light the Menorah in the 3rd Beis Hamikdash.   Chanuka Sameach to everyone,   Mash

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