Wednesday, December 16, 2015

[Aneinu] Update & Tefilla Request

From Debby: First I'd like to give you some very good news: Naor Shalev ben Ruth, remember he was the almost 13-yr old who was one month away from his Bar Mitzvah when he was gravely wounded by a Pigua in Pizgat Ze'ev in October. Well, IY"H he plans to celebrate his Bar Mitzvah on Thursday, Dec 17, 2015 at the Kosel! From what I can gather he still needs our tefillos/tehillim, but IY"H his Bar Mitzvah will be a very special simcha! Yonatan ben Bracha Leah, was released from hospital and came home today! He is still in need of our tefillos/tehillim, but this is a huge step. Additional Names for Davening from Chords Bridge Attack: Mazal bat Shoshana Susana Sultana ban Nidgma Nechama bat Shlomit Yael Bat Ruth, mother of 15 or 18-month old baby (depending on what is your source) (Yotam Shmuel ben Yael), who herself was seriously wounded.

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