Wednesday, December 16, 2015

[Aneinu] Updates & Links to Tehillim Read for Yotam Shmuel,Yonatan ben Bracha Leah and Naor Shalev ben Ruth

BS"D 1. Yonatan ben Bracha Leah, (young man that suffered a work accident that nearly ended his life) Hasdei Hashem a complete nes-was released from hospital yesterday, still needs our tefillos/tehillim 2. Naor Shalev ben Ruth (the 13 yr. old severely wounded and nearly died in Pigua in Pisgat Ze'ev in October and who was just a month before his Bar Mitzvah) IY"H will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah 17-December at the Kosel. He still needs our prayers/tehillim. 3. Yotam Shmuel ben Yael: Please note I included the statistics from the website that I copied a few minutes ago: between the two links over 4,000 yidden have participated in saying tehillim for this toddler in under two days. 4237 chapters read 27 completed books by 2007 readers *Right now, there are 2 uncompleted books at this campaign in current book (#29): 42 chapters read 12 chapters currently being read 96 available chapters 85 people took upon themselves a good deed for the Zechut of יותם שמואל בן יעל Add one good deed

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