Sunday, January 17, 2016

[Aneinu] Parshas HaMon Tuesday

From Debbie in Israel: IY"H it is customary to say the Parshas HaMon on the Tuesday before Parsha Beshalach (this coming Shabbos) (i.e., the tefilla for parnassa). I've attached an interlinear version (w/English) of the tefilla (if you print it, it's genizah and must be disposed accordingly), and also a link to a very good article that appeared 4 years ago in Matzav with a drash from Rav Yissocher Frand. If you only want the Hebrew here's a link to a website for that: I want to thank one of our daveners for being so kind as to remind me about this! So, thank you very much! --

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