Friday, January 15, 2016

[Aneinu] Please Daven for Liba bas Hadassa - Missing 22 yr. Old Woman

Please daven for Liba bas Hadassa. Tehillim below URGENT. A frum 22 year old woman was reportedly missing early Thursday afternoon. The woman is from the Kew Garden Hills area and is missing since Monday -1/11/16. Her name is Libi Benzvi. The public is asked to daven for Liba bas Haddasah. The police have been notified and are conducting a search. A group of organizations along with the police and Hatzolah will meet in a little while to try and determine the best and smartest plan of action. If you have any information, please call 347.684.1155 The use of social media has been found to be extremely helpful in locating missing persons and all are encouraged to share info regarding sightings or encounters.

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