Monday, January 18, 2016

YWN [Aneinu] TEHILLIM – Hagaon HaRav Aaron Chodosh, Mashgiach in Mir Yerushalayim Hospitalized

The Mashgiach of the Mir Yerushalayim, Hagaon HaRav Aaron Chodosh Shlita, was taken to the hospital on Monday night after not felling well. Hatzoloh and Magen David Adom were called to the home of the Mashgiach in the Bais Yisroel neighborhood of Yerushalayim, after the Mashgiach complained of chest pains and shortness of breath. It appears he began feeling ill moments after learning that one of the Roshei Yeshiva of the Mir, Hagon HaRav Refoel Shmulevitz was Niftar. Ads By Artscroll: Click Here! He was taken to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, where he is undergoing tests. It is unknown if the Mashgiach will be able to attend the Levaya, which is scheduled for Tuesday morning at 11:30 at the Mir Yerushalayim. Please be Mispallel for Aaron Dovid Ben Tzivya. (Chaim Shapiro – YWN) - See more at:

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