Monday, February 15, 2016

[Aneinu] {Be'er Mayim Chaim} daven for injured victims of yesterday's 402 bus crash in Israel

I was told that according to the mother the name was never changed. Please continue to daven for Sarah bas Dina. Dear Daveners: Below is the urgent request for Sarah and after that the names of others who were injured in yesterday's crash. Please daven and say tehillim for SARAH BAS DINA, a young lady from Neve Yaakov who is in CRITICAL condition from yesterday's 402 bus crash. The information which is written in this email I received from her mother, and she gave me permission to pass it on to you. Her mom is asking everyone who can to PLEASE daven and say tehillim for her. Sarah had undergone 10 hours of surgery to repair a crushed foot, severed hand and other injuries. They had to give her blood thinners when they re-attached the hand which caused even worse blood loss, a precipitous drop in her blood pressure and she has a fever. PLEASE, use the link below to say tehillim for her and keep her in mind in your davening as well as when you sayאשר יצר Her wedding is scheduled for two weeks from now.

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