Sunday, February 14, 2016


From Israel: There has been an horrific crash on HWY 1, the 5:40 p.m. 402 bus Departing from Yerushalayim going to Bnei Brak somewhere near Latrun hit a Tractor/Trailer bus with a Crane attached whose driver was an Arab hap apparently parked on the side of the road, but potruding into the lane of traffic. Apparently the bus did not see that it was potruding into the lane, and the entire side of of the bus was "sliced off" in this horrific occurrence.  At least 5 people are dead R"L among them 3 children.  I don't have names, but just daven that HK"B take care of the injured, at least one is in critical condition.  The total numbers of injured are not yet determined. May HK"B help the families who lost relatives in this horrible crash.         Additionally, 2 children were in a car accident on Friday  going to cheder. one child was lightly injured. (4 yr. old).  The 5 yr. old is in serious condition.  Please daven for the next week for Yehuda ben Miriam.  One week until 21-Feb 2016.

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