Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Jewish press Israeli Critically Wounded in Terror Attack at Gush Etzion Junction By Hana Levi Julian

An Arab terrorist attacked an Israeli, around 12:20 PM on Wednesday, at the Gush Etzion Junction in Judea, about 15 minutes south of Jerusalem. The terrorist attempted to stab one Israeli at a hitchhiking post. The Israeli managed to pull out his pistol to defend himself. The terrorist was neutralized by IDF gunfire. The terrorist is listed in moderate condition and was evacuated to the hospital. It now appears that the intended Israeli victim was shot by friendly fire from the IDF soldiers neutralizing the terrorist. The victim was treated by medics before being evacuated in critical condition to Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Medical Center with a chest wound. His name for your prayers is: Eliav ben Sara Rachel.

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