Sunday, March 13, 2016

[Aneinu] Please daven & help Menashe Chaim ben Shulamit Tufcha's family

BS"D "DADDY COME HOME!" *WORLD WIDE INITIATIVE* Rosh Chodesh Av, over 6 years ago Menashe Chaim ben Shulamit Tufcha jumped into the sewage drain in order tosave a 3.5 year old - Racheli Sofer. He didn’t know who she was, but didn’t think about that. Unfortunately Racheli lost her life and Menashe has been in a COMA ever since. His wife and 5 young children have been struggling without a husband and father for more than 6 years now! When you light your candles this *Parshas Zachor*, please *REMEMBER* Menashe Chaim and his family. please say a kapitel tehillim for him on this site.. If you would like to donate to help the family, you can: *Email:*

1 comment:

  1. Hi, are there any updates on this? Do you know whether there is any improvement? thanks and tizkuk lemotzvot
    refuah shlema leMenashe chaim ben Shulamit Tufcha betoch sha'ar cholei am Yisrael.
