Tuesday, March 15, 2016

OU TORAH and The Bais Havaad The Daf in Halacha Gittin Daf 90 Grounds for Divorce

Rav Grossman brings Rav Meir Shapiro burned food ground for divorce says Beis Hillel half dish wife my fault but some women mix it up make it good wife I will take good part he will get burnt.This is our relationship with Hashem.Our relationship compared husband and wife things go good give tzedaka but things not good see attitude to Hashem mantain tzedaka good cut down middle my commitment to Hashem no tzedaka thats grounds for divorce. Ksav Sofer klal yisroel ikar we are in galus powerful relationship then sent away although end Gittin but the end will be Hashem will be mikadash us once again with Maschiach coming Amen.for the rest of the shiur click here.

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