Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Click here for Rabbi Elefant or Rabbi Rosner shiur The Bais Havaad The Daf in Halacha Dafhachaim and more.Daf yomi with YU TORAH.Outlines insights and more by the Kollel Iyun Hadaf. Daf Notes English Commentary – If you wish to read an easy to understand complete English translation of the Daily Daf then our English Commentary is for you. Our Daf Notes English translation incorporates the discussions of the Gemara for the advanced learner’s review and at the same time offers an easy to understand translation for the beginner where you can learn and review the Daf Yomi in under 20 minutes a day! Daf Insights – In conjunction with the Daf elucidation, we offer some additional food for thought, what we call Daf Insights . These Insights consist of Halachic and Aggadic topics and can be used as a springboard for further research and learning. Daily Mashal – We attempt to glean something practical from each and every Daf; something that can make a positive difference in your life. Click here for Daf Digest which features the very nice halacha highlight. Now with hebrew Kidushin with enhanced footnote and vilna links and color coding.Go to Rosenblooms for a great price and don't forget to get your pdf copy here.works on Ipads Android or kindle tablet.Coming soon Mesivta Darchei Noam.Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, the world renowned Talmudic and halachic authority, is best known as the premier halachic decisor of his time. To him, however, his major writings were these compendia of analysis and commentary on tractates of the Talmud. They display his encyclopedic grasp of Talmudic literature and his phenomenal and original powers. Rabbi Aharon Kotler said of Dibros Moshe, "There is no significant concept or chiddush that cannot be found here." Newly reprinted in a convenient 6"x9" edition, each tractate complete in one volume.I just found this Comprehensive summary of all commentaries on the Talmud. Enhanced by thousands of footnotes and references. Don't forget to get a Yated Neman every week b/c it has he really nice Tales and Teachings on the Daf.

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