Sunday, March 27, 2016

YWN [Aneinu] Update on Israeli Victims of Brussels Terror Attacks

Terror victim Chaim Weinrantz, one of the wounded in the Brussel’s terror attacks, is showing significant improvement and he is beginning to ambulate. The second Israeli wounded in the attack, Mendy Farkash, remains in moderate-to-serious condition. He has been taken off a mechanical breathing device B”H and family members report a slight improvement in his condition. Mendy was disconnected from the respirator shortly before Shabbos and his family then sang zemiros and he managed to say “amen” to a bracha. Doctors explain Mendy has water in his lungs, an infection, and burns on his extremities. He is being given pain killers. Doctors are weighing his condition to determine if he is stable enough to be flown back to Israel to continue treatments. The family calls on the tzibur to be mispallel for Menachem Mendel ben Tiova. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem) - See more at:

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