Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Aneinu Naaleh.com Please Daven

Dear Naaleh Friends, CHAYA RAIZEL BAS DENA, a 31 year old mother of twins, is critically ill and is in great need of our Tefilos and Tehillim.  We must surely tear down the Heavens and beg for Hashem's Rachamim. Please click on the link below and say Tehillim for a zechus for a refuah shelaimah for Raizel bas Dena. There is an opportunity to recite multiple perakim daily.  Please email ohelsaraamen@gmail.com if you have any questions about this link. Please forward to everyone you know and ask them to please forward to everyone they know. Thank you. http://tehilimyahad.com/mr.jsp?r=4lJAcY1Vi8

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