Saturday, July 2, 2016

From Aneinu and Muqata Please Daven

7:09pm Current list of names for prayers Tehilla bat Chava Rachel (wounded in shooting near Otniel on Highway 60) Pidaya Menachem ben Chava Rachel (wounded in shooting near Otniel on Highway 60) Chava Rachel bat Ayelet HaShachar (wounded near Otniel on Highway 60) Yehoshua ben Esther -- wounded in Kiryat Arba attack. Shachar ben Ayelet (IDF officer seriously wounded by bomb attack on Tuesday evening, May 10th) Matan ben Sara (soldier seriously wounded in ramming attack near Dolev) Eden bat Rachel (15 year old girl very seriously wounded in bus bomb attack in Jerusalem) May they all have a refuah shelaima -- a full and speedy recovery among all the sick and wounded of Israel.

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