Monday, July 25, 2016

Live Remote Alert! Nachum Segal broadcasts from Yeshivat Makor Chaim in the Gush Etzion area of Israel

Nachum Segal and Miriam L. Wallach ended their week of amazing Israel broadcasts with a visit to Yeshivat Makor Chaim in the Gush Etzion (south of Jerusalem) area of Israel. Yeshivat Makor Chaim was established in 1985 under the visionary leadership of Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz (Even Israel). Today, the Makor Chaim Educational Institution operates a high school located in the Gush Etzion area, south of Jerusalem. “‘For just one moment, as if lit up by a flash of lightening, the true nature of the Jewish People was revealed.’ This is how Racheli Fraenkel, mother of our late student Naftali described the events following the kidnapping and murder of the three boys. So too, the special spirit of Makor Chaim, the institution where Naftali and Gilad studied, was revealed to all. In talks she has given around the world, Mrs. Fraenkel attributed the unprecedented wave of Jewish unity in great measure to the unique philosophy and special leaders of Makor Chaim. Minister Naftali Bennet opened the school year with us saying: “Last summer, Yeshivat Makor Chaim became the ‘source of life’ for Am Yisrael!” Our new campus will be a beacon of light for Gush Etzion and all of Israel!” As always, you can see some great pictures fro this morning’s show at the NSN Facebook page HERE. Listen to Nachum’s interview with Racheli Fraenkel from this morning’s show HERE.

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