Sunday, July 31, 2016

Urgent Prayer Request

URGENT PRAYER REQUEST Please pray for him and share this post on your FB walls and in FB groups. Sharing from: Jonathan M. Kahanovitch PLEASE POST IMMEDIATELY to ALL your lists!!!: NACHMAN YAAKOV ben YEHUDIS (Zisskind) is in CRITICAL CONDITION!!! (Capital 55) The prognosis is not good (Hashem y'racheim!!!) & this father of 4 young children (2 of whom have Special needs) needs a MAJOR MIRACLE!!! His wife & sister are on vigil at the hospital as the(& my best friend is watching their kids) as Doctors have given up hope... PLEASE!!! This is a GOOD man, full of Mitzvos, w/ a young family that depends on him! Let's STORM the heavens!!! Hashem can do ANYTHING!!! ANY Mitzvah u can do in his schus, can help & is DEEPLY appreciated! We should hear GOOD NEWS IMMEDIATELY!!!

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