Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Aneinu Urgent Please Daven for New Mother Update

Urgent Urgent: A 37 year old mother just gave birth in Staten Island just now and Drs. are working on her feverishly to save her life in the operating room after something went terribly wrong at birth.  Please stop what you are doing and say a kapitel tehillim for Gittel Shulmas bat Hannie Leah. UPDATE: Mother of newborn baby doing ok after surgery B'H Urgent Urgent: A 37 year old mother just gave birth in Staten Island just now and Drs. are working on her feverishly to save her life in the operating room after something went terribly wrong at birth.  Please stop what you are doing and say a kapitel tehillim for Gittel Shulmas bat Hannie Leah. 

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