Thursday, September 8, 2016

Ywn Aneinu TRAGEDY IN MONSEY – Two Yeshiva Bochrim Struck By Vehicle; 1 Killed, 1 Hospitalized; Driver Is Off Duty Police Officer

A terrible tragedy in Monsey has R”L left one Yeshiva Bochur dead and another with serious injuries. At around midnight (Wednesday night – Thursday morning), the two Bochrim were standing on the sidewalk on Haverstraw Road in Suffern NY, when a vehicle swerved out of contro jumping the curb and striking both boys. A second vehicle was struck as well. Hatzolah of Rockland along with EMS and other emergency personnel rushed to the scene – which was in front of Yeshiva Tiferet Torah. Ads By Artscroll: Click Here! One Bochur was found in traumatic arrest. Hatzolah Paramedics did everything they could to save his life. Tragically, he was R”L pronounced dead at Good Samaritan Hospital. The second Bochur was taken to Westchester Trauma Center, where he is listed is serious but stable condition. The driver of the vehicle was transported to Good Samaritan Hospital in stable condition. The driver is reportedly an off-duty police officer. The Ramapo Police Department was on the scene conducting an investigation into the cause of the crash. Local Askonim are working with officials to ensure proper Kavod Hames is given. Additional information will be published pending proper notifications. Please say Tehillim for Dovid Yosef ben Leah. Sources tell YWN that the two boys are not from the United States. (Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

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