Sunday, November 27, 2016

Aneinu Please Daven for Kosher Burial

My Aunt passed away and I learned that she had made the request in her Will to be cremated. She and her children are not observant and did not know that our tradition does not believe in cremation. It comes down to that out of respect for their mother's wishes, they feel they need to honor her wishes. I have explained that my aunt is in a place of truth now and that she would not wish cremation. I have explained to the family the Jewish belief and sent Aish ha Torah writings, and I am having an Orthodox Rabbi speak with them as well. They are meeting with their reform Rabbi on Monday to discuss final arrangements and at this point, cremation will be arranged, chas v shalom.Can you please daven, recite tehillim, that her family decides that my Aunt, Itta Etta bas Avraham will have a kosher burial. Her husband, my uncle, a holocaust survivor opted to be cremated in the year 2000, and I had tried to prevent this, but to no avail. Please let our prayers be answered favorably. Your tefillos are precious to Hashem, and I thank you so much! May we only share b'soros tovos. Marsha Smagley

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