Wednesday, November 2, 2016

[Aneinu] Please Daven for a Yeshua - Court Case Tomorrow

I received the following request: Hi, A person I know is in great need of a yeshua gedola, please G-d. After 30 years of marriage, her husband has left her and she is going to court tomorrow, Thursday, Nov. 3. It's being threatened that she will have no support from him and a get has not even been applied for after 6 months. There is even more at stake tomorrow for her and her children. If you would be able to say a tehillim - that Hashem bring her only revealed good as she's going through this extremely hard time - it would be so greatly appreciated. Her name is: Sara Dina bas Shaindel Tizki l'mitzvot and b'sorot tovot, SA Dalton

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