Friday, November 25, 2016

NSN Help the Firefighting Efforts in Israel with HaShomer HaChadash

Donate Here. Nachum interviewed Yoel Zilberman, founder and Executive Director of HaShomer HaChadash on this morning’s JM in the AM about the fires in Israel, what is being done, and how people around the world can help the firefighting effort. “HaShomer HaChadash (“The New Guardian”) is an Israeli non-profit organization dedicated to safekeeping the land of Israel through education, advocacy and social action. HaShomer HaChadash continues the path forged in the early 20th century by the first HaShomer pioneers. Our unique social-educational vision is to create a Zionist movement that invigorates our collective obligation to the land of Israel, to our history and to each other as brothers. As such, HaShomer seeks to generate a change in awareness and strategic thinking within Israeli society and throughout global Jewry regarding the importance of Israel and to strengthen the connection between the people and the land. This is achieved through various wide-ranging educational programs focusing on social action for youth and adults from Israel and overseas. With over 35,000 volunteers in 2016 alone from Israel and abroad, HaShomer currently supports 50 farmers who are cultivating over 150,000 acres of land in the Negev and the Galilee. In the words of Yoel Zilberman, ‘it’s more than helping farmers in need to realize the Zionist dream, but more importantly, educating the next generation of leaders in Israel and Diaspora Jewry about our homeland, Zionism and working the land.'”

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