Thursday, December 22, 2016

Aneinu Tehillim by the Menorah

Chag Sameach from ANEINU! tehillim to say by the menorah Perek Yud-Tes-19 Perek Lamed- 30 Perek Lamed-gimmel-33 Perek Samach-Zayin-67 Perek Tzaddik-90 Per3k Kuf-100 Perek Kuf Lamed Gimel-133 2 halochos of Loshon Hora 1. All forms of loshon hora are prohibited even whe the information is true and accurate. (only in very specific circumstances is it permissible to say something that would otherwise be considered loshon hora) Slander, which is information that is not true, referred to as hotzaa shem -literally spreading a bad name-is worse than loshon hora which is derogratory but true. To relate derogratory information that is essentialy true but includes either exaggerations or even slight altering of facts is also considered hotzaas shem ra.   2.  It is forbidden to relate a story for entetainment purposes ony if it contans derogatory or harmful information. To relate an amusing incident that would cause embarrasement to any of the people involved if told in ther presence constitutes speaking loshon hora. Many a humourous situation is actually quite painful to the person involved.   this project is being done l'refua shelaima Chaim Kalman ben Yehudis 

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