Sunday, December 18, 2016 Baby Needs Tehillim

An 8-month-old Lubavitch boy who is an ECMO machine after undergoing open heart surgery, needs your prayers and Mitzvos. From the COLlive inbox: Many of you have been saying Tehillim for Yitzchok ben Aydla Malka, an 8 month old baby who is currently on an ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) machine after undergoing open heart surgery. Tonight is Yud Tes Kislev the Alter Rebbe’s Chag Hageulah. Let's unite to release Yitzchok from what’s holding him back from his Refuah and spring him forward onto the road of complete recovery! Please take on a Hachlata and email it to, all Hachlatos will be sent into the Rebbe. Thank you for uniting with us and your continued Tehillim!! May we merit the coming of Moshiach NOW! L’shana Tova B’limud Hachassidus Bdarchei Hachassidus Teikaseivu v’seichasaimu!! Love, Yitzchok’s family and friends

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