Wednesday, February 15, 2017

[Aneinu] Chicago Baby Needs Tefillos - Please Sign Up

Please help us daven by signing up on our Google Doc for a Chicago baby that needs our tefilos. Ora Bracha bas Yedida Yaffa אורה ברכה בת ידידה יפה chavi cherrick has invited you to edit the following spreadsheet: tehilim template Open in Sheets If you are not able to open the Google Doc, you can text Ellie Cherrick at 773-569-5706, or call her at (773-463-2069) or email, and she will add you to the list. Please help us daven by signing up on our Google Doc for a Chicago baby that needs our tefilos. Ora Bracha bas Yedida Yaffa אורה ברכה בת ידידה יפה

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