Wednesday, February 1, 2017 and Aneinu Tehillim for Chana Bas Mushka

Thursday at 11:00 am: Thousands around the world will unite to storm the Heavens for Chana bas Mushka, a 6-year-old girl in desperate need of a miraculous refuah shelaima. Tzivos Hashem Calls Troops to Action It takes an army to storm the heavens Attention all men women and children, soldiers of Tzivos Hashem: One of our chayolim needs our help! It’s up to us to demand a complete and speedy refua from Hashem. We know that everything is in the hands of Shomoyim. It’s not the doctors, but the soldiers of Hashem's Army who can save her life. Join us tomorrow, Thursday, Vov Shvat, at 11:00AM EST,(10:00am Chicago time) stop whatever you are doing and join thousands of Chayolim to unite with Tehillim in Zchus of Refuah Shleimah of Chana Bas Mushka.

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