Monday, March 13, 2017

Aneinu Please Daven 2 Surgeries

Back in October, 2016 we were asked to daven for a young woman who had complications following the birth of her first child. The grandmother is the Torah learning partner of an Aneinu member. Once again, we have received a request from the grandmother:     My wonderful dear people who prayed for my daughter, Gabrielle Michaelle! Once again, I am asking everyone to pray for her again, as the following Monday March 20 she is going to have an operation, a reconstruction surgery, to help out the situation that occurred after  delivery, in order to allow her to have more children in the future. On top of that, my mom is going to have a heart surgery this Wednesday, March 15. My mom's name -  Fayga but Golda.   Operation March 15 And my daughter - Gitelle Masha bat Esther. Operation March 20. Let Hashem hear all our prayers and help all that are in need as well as all people in Israel! Amen!

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