Sunday, August 6, 2017

Aneinu Please Daven For Expectant Mother W/ Brain Tumor

Subject: Fwd: JewishWaterbury My brain tumor This is from a woman who lives in Waterbury.  SO sad :(  Please pass her name around for tefillos. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: 'Orli' via JewishWaterbury Date: Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 11:49 PM Subject: JewishWaterbury My brain tumor To: 'Corenub29' via JewishWaterbury At the risk of becoming a pity case and today's nebach flavor- of -the -day, I am going to open myself up to our incredibly kind, caring community and admit that I need your help. I have just been diagnosed with a large brain tumor that is threatening the vision of my right eye. I cannot yet receive the surgery I need, however, because it is too risky to our unborn baby. That is why I need all of you, each and every person who is able, to please, please beg and beseech Hashem to have rachmanus on me and our family. My Hebrew name is אורלי רחל בת יהודית רות, Orli Rachel bas Yehudis Rus. I need tfillos that my vision shouldn't, chalilah, worsen any more. That with Hashem's help my eye should remain stable until I am able to give birth safely. That ImyH the baby should be born healthy and in the right time and that ultimately my brain surgery should be matzliach. It's not in the doctor's hands, nor in the power of medication- it's in Hashem's hands and the power of your collective tfillos is monumental. I am sorry to be mirztarech the tzibbor in this manner, but I know I cannot do this alone. Thank you for helping us in our time of need. May Hashem bless every member of our community and Klal Yisrael with an abundance of good health, peace, prosperity, simcha and nachas always. Truly Yours Orli Katz

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