Sunday, August 20, 2017

Aneinu Tefillos Needed Critical Condition

Aneinu member's sister's nieces: Hi everyone. I want to thank everyone for davening and having my sister's children in their Tefilos. Leah Hadassa is in serious critical condition. She will need more surgeries because her liver and pancreas and diaphragm have broken parts. She is extremely weak but BH a little responsive. Chava is in critical and terrible terrible condition. She already has severe brain damage and they sedaited her. She needs real rachamei shamayim and real nissim. Yocheved has a laceration in her liver but is BH up and responsive. Dovid has a broken leg and jaw. My sister is under so much pressure and needs a lot of strength to with stand all of this and be there for her children. All the Tefilos and tzedakah and teshuva that everyone is doing is breaking thru shamayim. We need more and more of it. Please I am begging everyone to daven their heart out for my sister and her children. The names again are:  Leah hadassa bas Michal Chana- 11 years old  Chava bas Michal Chana- 7 yrs old Yocheved Rivka bas Michal Chana 5 yrs old Gedalya dovid Ben Michal Chana 4 years old Thank you everyone for all your continued Tefillos Esther Aryeh

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