Wednesday, September 13, 2017

RAV KOOK ON Ki Tavo Part 3: Studying Together

Moses commanded the people: “Pay attention and listen!” (Deut. 27:9) The word has-keit — “pay attention” — is unusual. The Talmud gives the following homiletic interpretation: “Form groups (asu kittot) and study Torah; for Torah knowledge is only acquired through group study.” (Berachot 63b) Intolerance, Ignorance, and Iniquity Rabbi Yossi went even further. He warned that scholars who study alone are liable to acquire three negative traits: intolerance, ignorance, and sin. What is so terrible about studying by oneself? This question may be addressed both on a practical level, and in terms of the essential nature of Torah study. There are three practical benefits when scholars study together. The first advantage is that they become accustomed to hearing opinions different than their own. This trains them for greater openness and tolerance. Scholars who study by themselves are not exposed to their colleagues’ views and ideas. They grow to be intolerant of any opinion that differs from their own interpretation. This intolerance is a major factor in disputes, and can lead to verbal and even physical violence. Secondly, scholars who study alone or in small groups will not succeed in properly analyzing matters of faith and fundamental Torah views. In terms of these basic subjects, such reclusive scholars remain ignorant and misinformed. And finally, a lack of clarity in legal issues will cause those who study by themselves to err in Halachic decisions. As teachers and leaders, these scholars are judged according to their negative impact on the people. Furthermore, their solitude may lead to unnecessary stringencies, which are referred to as ’sinful,’ as in the case of the Nazarite.

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