Monday, October 2, 2017 Unite In Tehilim For Young Shliach

Click here sign up for mitzvos.Monday, thousands around the world will unite in Tehillim in the merit of the speedy recovery of 9-year-old Chaim Schneur Zalman Hakohen ben Chana Mala, who is in urgent need of a Refuah Shelaima. Monday, Yud Bais Tishrei, right after Shacharis thousands of people around the world will unite to storm the Heavens for a young Shliach, 9 year old Chaim Schneur Zalman Hakohen ben Chana Mala sheyichye.  On Monday, his 9th birthday he is in need of a complete Refuah Shleima. Join us Monday, Yud- Beis Tishrei, right after Shacharis, take the time to join thousands of Chayolim to unite with children around the world, to give tzedoka in Zchus of Refuah Shleimah for Chaim Schneur Zalman Hakohen ben Chana Mala. On his birthday let’s daven for a complete refuah! Please say kapital yud, chof and give tzedoka at this time.

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