Monday, December 18, 2017

[Aneinu] Tehillim Yachad Link for Azan Family

R"L there has been another horrific fire in Flatbush (family name: Azan). The mother and three children perished in the fire. Below are the names of the survivors, please daven and say tehillim for their recovery. A tehillim yachad read is open for them at: Shilat bas Louza Aliza (16) who is critical, Daniel ben Louza Aliza (15) who is critical, Avraham ben Louza Aliza (13) stable, and Yosef ben Ahuva Masuda – the father who is critical. "Tragically, sources have confirmed that some of the children are classmates at Yeshivat Ateret Torah with the Sassoon children who were R”L killed in a tragic fire in Flatbush. Misaskim has been working through the night from the scene as well as with the NYC Medical Examiner to ensure Kavod HaMes. The Niftarim will hopefully be released and will be flown later today to Eretz Yisroel for the Levaya and Kevura. Chesed Shel Emes was on the scene as well." (Yeshiva World News)

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