Monday, February 26, 2018

Aneinu Tefillos Still Needed For Har Nof Victims

FROM HAKHEL: YOUR TEFILLOS ARE STILL NEEDED:  In response to a reader’s inquiry, we  have received the following updates on the medical condition of some of the victims of the horrific Har Nof Shul attack over three years:   Eitan ben Sarah -  He is still suffering from bleeding in the brain and other after-effects of the attack.  He is not functioning well and needs our tefillos.   Shmuel Yeruchem ben Baila - He is much better at this point (learning and teaching at the Mir all day), but he still gets very tired at the end of a full day at yeshiva.  He is thankful to be able to be there all day, but when he comes home he is too tired to go to night seder, as he did every evening before the attack.  His wife was informed by their Rav that we should continue to daven for him until he gets his strength back.   Aryeh ben Brocha - One of the police responders, he was badly injured in his leg and is still suffering from his leg injury.  He is still in pain, and we should still daven for him.

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