Wednesday, February 28, 2018

RAV KOOK Tetzaveh Part 2: Clothes of Dignity and Beauty

“Make sacred clothes for your brother Aaron, for dignity and beauty.... They will be used to consecrate him and make him a priest to Me.” (Ex. 28:2-3) Why Do We Wear Clothes? Clothing has a dual purpose. Its first function is utilitarian, protecting us from the elements — the cold and the rain, the wind and the sun. In this respect, our apparel corresponds to the fur of beasts and the feathers of birds, except that the animals have it better. They never need to change clothes or worry about acquiring new ones when their garments wear out or no longer fit. Their wardrobe comes naturally. The second function of clothing, on the other hand, is unique to humans. Our attire affects our state of mind; it influences how we feel about ourselves and the image that we wish to project. We feel unhappy when wearing unattractive or ill-fitting clothes, and feel good when wearing apparel that is flattering. We feel comfortable in casual clothing, and dignified in formal wear. This second aspect of clothing has great ethical value. It stresses those qualities that separate us from the animals and their simple physical needs. It enables us to attain a heightened sense of holiness and dignity. When we cover our heads, wear modest dress, and observe the mitzvot of tefillin and tzitzit, we deepen our awareness of God’s constant presence.

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