Monday, April 23, 2018

Fwd: [Aneinu] Movement toward Mindfulness

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From: myysbyy via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 4/23/18 9:47 AM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Movement toward Mindfulness

From: <>
Sent: Mon, Apr 23, 2018 9:39 am
Subject: Movement toward Mindfulness
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Movement toward Mindfulness!

We hope to grow together, support one another, and enjoy the long-term benefits of bringing spirituality into our lives.
This movement was created as a response to recent tragedies that have struck our community and touched many of us personally.

You may participate in the Movement toward Mindfulness by taking on one of our suggestions for the 10 day period (included in this email).

While most of us find food to be extremely pleasurable, it can also be elevated into a spiritual experience. Mindfulness lets us do that.

Being mindful means mastering the moment and acting out of intent rather than habit.

For the purpose of this movement, we are presenting several ways you can resolve to be more mindful.

If none of these resonates with you, please feel free to write your own resolution. And if you care to share, we'd love to hear about it. Your story helps fuel the enthusiasm behind this movement!
Mindfulness Resolution Ideas
Please print this list and check the box next to your chosen resolution(s), or write in your own! All resolutions should be made b'li neder.

We suggest choosing only a few- maybe even only one- as small changes are easiest to sustain and therefore often the most powerful in their impact on our lives.

Suggested Resolutions:
  I will say the blessing _________ out loud and with intent, and feel grateful for the food I am eating.

□ I will sit while eating (it's harder than it sounds!)
□ I will refrain from reading or watching anything else while I am eating. Avoiding distractions can help me stay mindful.
□ Before I start eating, I will ask myself "Am I really hungry? Does my body need fuel, or am I eating for another reason?"
□ I will stay seated at the conclusion of my meal to recite the bracha achrona (blessing after meals)  before moving on with my day.
□ Once a day, I will say a bracha (blessing) out loud and have someone answer "amen."
□ Once a day, I will answer "amen" to someone else's bracha (blessing).
□ I will make every effort to prepare and serve food to my family with a smile, and with gratitude for the privilege of feeding my family.
□ I will be mindful of the food choices I make and think about whether something is good for my body before I eat it.
□ I will give more attention to my family during mealtimes by turning off all devices for the duration of the meal.
□ I will study the laws of brachot (blessings) once a day so I will know the correct brachot to make.
□ While eating, I will have the intent to fuel my body so that I can serve Hashem.
□ I will _________________________________________ _________________________________________________.

Click here to download a printable chart of these resolutions. Support
When living mindfully, you may enjoy your food even more than you did before. You may also begin to think differently about your food choices.

That's why and I will be sharing helpful and healthful shopping lists, recipes and cooking demos, so you can plan ahead and make your best choices, instead of being rushed into quick but not better-for-you options.
After all, from a spiritual perspective, food is the fuel and allows us to grow, accomplish, and achieve greatness during our tenure in this world.

Taking care of your body is an important endeavor and a means to a greater end!
Remembering your Resolution
If you print this email and stick it to your fridge, you'll have a reminder right where you need it. Some other options are taping it to a post-it on your desk, in your room, or taking a screen shot and setting it as the background image on your phone.

Whatever you do to remind yourself, you're taking a step toward personal growth and we congratulate you!

Thanks for joining us on this journey of self-improvement.
-Rorie and the team at

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