Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Click here for Rabbi Elefant or Rabbi Rosner daf yomi shiur and The Bais Havaad The Daf in Halacha.Click here for the Kollel Iyun Hadaf which has point by point summaries of the daf and more.Click here for Daf Hachaim around a 5 minute summary of the daf.Click here for YU Torahs daf shiurs.Click here for Daf Digest which features the very nice Halacha Highlight.English Commentary – If you wish to read an easy to understand complete English translation of the Daily Daf then our English Commentary is for you. Our Daf Notes English translation incorporates the discussions of the Gemara for the advanced learner’s review and at the same time offers an easy to understand translation for the beginner where you can learn and review the Daf Yomi in under 20 minutes a day! Daf Insights – In conjunction with the Daf elucidation, we offer some additional food for thought, what we call Daf Insights . These Insights consist of Halachic and Aggadic topics and can be used as a springboard for further research and learning. Daily Mashal – We attempt to glean something practical from each and every Daf; something that can make a positive difference in your life.Are you looking for a little Chassidus in your daf then Rabbi Zajac daf shiur is for you. Welcome to Real Clear Daf Home to the clearest Daf Yomi audio shiur library in the world! Follow the Daf Yomi calendar together with our Gemara audio classes or master any other masechta via the Shas Library. Learn Daf Yomi. Review any archived masechta. Conquer Shas! A new daf yomi newsletter I found Talmud Israeli email to sign up to get yours.A really nice way to learn the daf the Artscroll app.The Koren Horayot also availabe as pdf.Another nice app the chavruta gemara app.Don't forget to buy your Yated Ne'eman every week for the nice Tales and Teachings on the Daf.

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