Sunday, May 27, 2018

Aneinu B"DE Injured Israeli Soldier

Baruch Dayan HaEmes. Arutz7 Funeral of Duvdevan fighter Ronen Lubarsky, killed by a marble block thrown on his head by a terrorist, held at Mount Herzl.   Contact Editor Eliran Aharon, Mount Herzl, 27/05/18 05:06   Relatives, soldiers and friends arrived on Saturday night at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem to pay their respects to Sergeant Ronen Lubarsky, a combat soldier in the Duvdevan commando unit, who was killed by a marble block that was thrown on his head by an Arab terrorist.   Lubarsky is the first Duvdevan fighter to have been killed as a result of terrorist activity. Deputy Defense Minister Rabbi Eli Ben Dahan (Jewish Home) took part in the funeral on behalf of the government.   Lubarsky was critically injured during a routine military operation on the outskirts of Ramallah, when his unit arrested members of a terror cell known to have carried out shooting attacks against civilians in Judea and Samaria.   During the Thursday night arrest, an Arab terrorist believed to be a reinforcement of the terror cell in question threw a marble block at Lubarsky’s head, crushing his helmet. Luvarski was taken to a Jerusalem hospital in critical condition, but remained unconscious and on artificial respiration before succumbing to his injuries on Saturday.   The terrorist who threw the block at his head fled the scene.  And Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu expressed his "deep sorrow" over Lubarsky’s death and added, "The security forces wileel reach the terrorist and the state of Israel will bring him to reckoning.”   Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman said, "On Saturday, we lost Duvdevan fighter Ronen Lubarsky, who was critically injured during an operation to arrest wanted persons. Duvdevan, one of our elite units, conducts nightly arrests as part of an endless war. I wish to send condolences on behalf of the entire Jewish people to the family and am closely monitoring the efforts to arrest the terrorist. We will bring justice for Ronen.”  *********************************************************

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