Monday, June 11, 2018

Muqata Aneinu Please Daven For Terror Victim

2018/06/11 2:45pm

Current list of names for prayers

Shuva bat Michal (seriously wounded 18 year old in Afula stabbing attack, June 1

Sent from the Muqata News App

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Please daven for Shuva bas Michal   Girl brutally stabbed on way to matriculation exam Mother of girl badly wounded in stabbing attack, says daughter's life saved by 'great miracle.'   Contact Editor Arutz Sheva Staff, 11/06/18 19:30   Shuva Malka, 18 from Migdal HeEmek and student of the Jean Gluck Ulpana in the town of Beit El, was identified as the young woman who was stabbed in Afula and seriously wounded.   "G-d made a great miracle for us. She was on her way to exams when she saw a terrorist with a knife in front of her and shouted 'wicked one!' at him.   "He stabbed her brutally several times," she continued. "I expect the State to feel responsible for the children, so they can feel safe while waiting at a bus stop, without dangers laying ahead."   The terrorist was identified as Nur a-Din Shinawi, a Jenin resident in his twenties who fled the scene and was caught a short time later.   Migdal HaEmek Mayor Eli Barda said "we were shocked to hear about the stabbing of a daughter of Migdal HaEmek in the center of Afula by a despicable delinquent, and I'm certain security forces will do everything to take care of him and the house from which he comes. We wish her a speedy recovery. The connection between Migdal HaEmek and Afula reminds us of the murder of Afula resident Shelly Dadon in Migdal HaEmek four years ago."

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