Sunday, October 28, 2018

Aneinu New Name Urgent Request for Tefillos and Tehillim

From Debby in Israel: BS”D Dear Daveners: I have very close friends who live here in Israel who I’ve known for more than 30 years.  He has always participated in Alyne Childrens’ Hospital “Wheels of Love” Bike Marathon held at this time every year to raise money for the hospital.  He has suffered a serious accident and is currently in the intensive care unit at Soroka Hospital in Beer Sheva.  PLEASE take a moment to daven and say the perakim of tehillim for him Yitzhak Issac ben Frayde Mariam 28-Oct 30-Nov (Israel) URGENT PRAYERS AND TEHILLIM REQUESTED, PLEASE!!! He suffered an accident while on the Alyne Bike Ride and is now in intensive care at Soroka Hospital (Be'er Sheva).   He needs our tefillos and tehillim.  Hashem please shower him with Rachomei Shomayim and help the doctors to help him.

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