Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Aneinu Update Please Daven For Mother

Here's the email that was written by the thirteen-year-   old son of this chole: "Please can all try to make an effort to fast tommorow (25/10/2018) if possible from Neitz (07:42) until Chatzos Hayom  (12:44) [London time], L'refuah Sheleimah Chaya Rochel Ettel Bas Shulamis [my mother] as she is critically unwell, and for those who can manage, a Taanis Dibur (Talking Only Relating To Torah Learning Or Davening) during these time periods as well (even if you can't manage try to just cut down on Devarim Betailim),  Please Pass On This Message To Family, Friends, Relatives, Neighbours, and anyone else you think may be willing to undergo this Zechus."  A few people sent this to me. I don't know the source or where she lives: A mother of seven kids, just made her first wedding, had an allergic reaction to sesame and went to the hospital..... they treated her with something that caused her to go into cardiac arrest, and then a stroke. They just operated on her and removed the top of her skull.....please please daven for her - rochel ettel bas shulamis Please note name change CHAYA Rochel Ettel bas Shulamis.

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