Sunday, December 9, 2018

Aneinu Please Daven for Terror victims in Today Shooting

Click here for Instagram. Click here. At least seven people were wounded Sunday by gunfire shot from a passing Palestinian vehicle near Ofra Junction in the West Bank: a 21-year-old pregnant woman was seriously wounded; her husband and another victim were moderately wounded; and four 16-year-old teens were lightly wounded.  The shots were fired towards Israeli civilians who took part in a candle-lighting ceremony in memory of a car accident victim, at a bus station near the junction. IDF troops who were present nearby responded by firing towards the suspect vehicle, which fled. IDF troops are currently searching the area. The Commanding Officer of the Judea and Samaria Division, Brig. Gen. Eran Niv, is present at the scene. The report was received by an MDA team at 9:25pm. MDA paramedics with the assistance of the IDF Medical Corps, provided medical treatment to the victims, which were later evacuated to hospitals in Jerusalem. The pregnant woman, who was seriously wounded and suffered from gunshot wounds to her upper body, and another victim, a 21-year-old male who was moderately wounded, were evacuated to Shaare Zedek Medical Center.  The woman's baby has since been delivered in good condition. The mother is currently being operated on. Dr. Alon Schwarz, a trauma surgeon at Shaare Zedek Medical Center said that the doctors had delivered the young woman's baby, and admitted the baby into the neonatal intensive care unit. Since the young woman lost a lot of blood, the doctor added, her life is still in danger. Prayers are requested for Shira Yael bat Leora Sarah, a pregnant woman in critical condition post terror attack near Ofra, and Amichai Yishai ben Feiga Gittel Galila.THIS NEWBORN PREEMIE BABY NEEDS HIS MOTHER The young mother's family is asking the public to pray for the recovery for  Shira Yael bas Liora Sara and her baby Tinok ben Shira Yael.  21 yo male also critically injured - Please daven for Amichai Yishai ben Feiga Gittel G'lilah

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