Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Fwd: Aneinu Clarification - Baruch Dayan HaEmet - Tinok ben Shira Yael a"h

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-------- Original message --------
From: myysbyy via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 12/12/18 10:56 AM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Clarification - Baruch Dayan HaEmet - Tinok ben Shira Yael a"h

Ammi asked that I clarify that this was written by Paula Stern (who is a writer). 

Baruch Dayan Emet...
Shaarei Tzedek has now confirmed the death of the baby boy, son of Shira Yael and Amichai.
The prayers of our people did not go unheard. For four days, we united in prayer for a tiny baby and his family. Today, his mother got to see him. We can only pray that this memory will be enough to strengthen her for the coming weeks and months as she fights to get back her health.
Each time something like this happens, I remind myself that I would rather be crying today with Am Yisrael than celebrating with the Palestinians.
They are a temporary people, who celebrate these small "victories". We are an eternal people. This little boy, despite his short life, will be remembered long after the Palestinians celebrate their last "victory."
Our tears seem bitter right now, the pain more than we could possibly handle alone. And so, I will tell you that we aren't alone. We have never been alone. That little boy didn't live alone for a single second of his life...nor have any of us every lived a single second alone.
May God avenge the blood of this infant, this little boy who is now an angel. He was born pure and he died pure. We can't understand this; all we can do is go on.
All we can do is pray for his mother and his father and in the near future, for what we pray will be his many brothers and sisters...each will be taught about this little boy. He will not be forgotten.
Am Yisrael Chai. We are an eternal people and though the road seems so long and so painful, we have to remember this.
עם הנצח לא מפחד מדרך ארוכה

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