Thursday, January 10, 2019

Aneinu Please Daven ICU

Update: meir will be having a CT scan at 230 (NY time) to check his lungs. His ecmo is back at 100% for now [this is NOT good]. Please keep up the tefillas,and if possible increase a bit. Thank you everyone for all the davening. It is what we are banking on at this time.   ************************************************************************** they put meir yitzchok ben leah feiga on an ecmo machine (life support). please please daven for this yasom to have a refuah shelaima. ************************************************************************************ Update - yesterday was worse in terms of fever and trying to breathe but today they are more hopeful. please keep davening. tizku limitvos *******************************************************************************  Please daven for Meir Yitzchok ben Leah Feiga, the nephew of a Chicagoan who is in ICU. He got a sudden infection and is intubated.

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