Thursday, January 17, 2019


LOOKING FOR HALACHA LMASA IN DAF YOMI THEN RABBI ELEFANT OR RABBI ROSNER SHIUR IS WHERE YOU WILL FIND IT.DAF SUGYA WITH RABBI ELEFANT AND THE BAIS HAVAAD DAF IN HALACHA ON OU DAF.DAF DIGEST WITH THE VERY NICE HALACHA HIGHLIGHT.DAFHACHAIM INTRO TO SEDER CHULLIN.Click for Daf Hachaim Daf Summaries in about 5 minutes.WANT OUTLINES CHARTS IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH CLICK HERE FOR THE KOLLEL IYUN HADAF.CLICK HERE FOR DAF NOTES.YU TORAH DAF SHIUR.REALCLEARDAFAvalable as an app.>Chullin 2 has really nice pictures Treifos, shechita, and nikur are subjects often regarded as difficult and daunting, and a clear understanding of them has remained beyond the reach of many. Yet they need not be. This breakthrough sefer will truly transform your learning and understanding of Maseches Chullin. Clearly labeled photographs elucidate the words of the gemara, along with explanation and commentary in English, providing a detailed, true-to-life understanding of each organ, membrane, bone, and tendon discussed in the gemara and Shulchan Oruch. Contains: More than 200 crisp, color photographs of detailed dissection of the animal and bird, each feature clearly identified. Professionally drawn anatomical illustrations Pertinent halachic discussions, such as an exposition on the accurate meaning of glatt kosher The science of treifos. Revised in time for this Daf Yomi cycle, this expanded edition contains two new sections. Contemporary issues in the kashrus of fowl.Also available as a pdf and Kesher Stam sells them again.Don't forget to pick up for Yated Neeman Tales and Teachings on the Daf.Email for Talmud Israeli.

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