Thursday, January 24, 2019 Please Daven

Rabbi Zalmen Baras from Cincinnati was transferred this week to a hospital in Minnesota where he is undergoing medical treatment. Please say Tehillim. Message from the family of Rabbi Zalmen Baras: Rabbi Zalmen Baras (from Cincinnati) was transferred this week to a hospital in Minnesota where he is undergoing medical treatment. The doctors are doing their part, but we need to do our part in adding in Torah, Teffila and Tzedaka in his zchus.  Please take upon yourself an additional kvius in learning, a few additional kapitelach Tehillim daily, an amount of money to give to Tzedaka and/or any other hachlata for his refua.  The Rebbe's brocho to him will surely come true; let's take a part in materializing the brocho.  His full name is Chaim Shneur Zalmen ben Miriam. His Kapitel in 38. Please spread the word - each additional hachlata tova will surely have an impact.

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