Sunday, January 27, 2019

Or Naava Please Daven

As many of you are aware, Rabbi Chaim Tuvia and Daphne Hanson's son, Yisroel Meir needs a refuah shelama. BH we have seen amazing yeshous and miracles. But we still have much to daven for. Rabbi Wallerstein and the entire staff of Ohr Naava kindly ask that everyone continue to daven and say Tehillim for Yisroel Meir ben Daphne Bruria. Daphne has specifically asked that everyone please concentrate and be extra careful while saying Asher Yatzar. In this zechus, may we see a complete Refuah Shelamah and share many Besoros Tovos.

1 comment:

  1. Do we know whatever happened to this boy? Do we still need to daven for him for a Refua sheleima?
