Thursday, January 31, 2019

VBM Two Aggadot Concerning the Giving of the Torah Harav Yaakov Medan

The (Relative) Height of Mount Sinai "A mountain of God is the mountain of Bashan" (Tehillim 68:16). R. Natan said: Since the Holy One, blessed be He, wanted to give the Torah to Israel, Carmel came from Aspamia and Tavor from Beit Eilim… This one said: I was called Mount Tavor. It would be fitting for the Shekhina to rest upon me, for I am higher than all the other mountains, and the waters of the flood did not come down on me. And this one said: I was called Mount Carmel. It would be fitting for the Shekhina to rest upon me, because I was placed in the middle, and they crossed the sea over me. The Holy One, blessed be He, said: You have already been disqualified before Me because of your haughtiness! You are all disqualified before Me… All of the mountains began to thunder and to collapse, as it is stated: "The mountains quaked at the presence of the Lord" (Shoftim 5:5). The Holy One, blessed be He, said: "Why look you askance [tirtzedun]" (Tehillim 68:17)? Why do you wish to be judged [tirtzu ladun] with Sinai? You are all "mountains of peaks [gavnunim]" (ibid.). As it is stated: "Or crook-backed [gibben], or a dwarf" (Vayikra 21:20). "At the mountain which God has desired for His abode" (Tehillim 68:17) – I desire nothing but Sinai, which is lower than all of you, as it is stated: "I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit" (Yeshayahu 57:15). And it is written: "For though the Lord be high, yet he regards the lowly" (Tehillim 138:6). (Midrash Tehillim 68) This aggada describes various mountains – Tavor and Carmel – and the verse with which the exposition opens mentions also the Bashan (perhaps a reference to Mount Chermon). All of these mountains saw themselves as worthy candidates to be the mountain upon which the Torah would be given, but God chose Mount Sinai, the lowest of the mountains, precisely because of it lowliness and humility.

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